Archive - 12/8/2011

Fri, 12/08/2011 - 09:31

Even in Belgium Ossetians do not lose touch with their historical Native land

In the mourning days devoted to the August war of 2008, the chairman of the International noncommercial Association «Renaissance Saendidzaen» Radion Pukhaev arrived in the RSO. In his interview to the correspondent of the news agency "Res" the head of the organization has told about the purpose of his visit, activity and his further plans.

- Radion, is your organization registered officially in the public authorities of Belgium (how it is called, where and when it is registered)?

- Our organization «Renaissance Saendidzaen» - is registered, and what is much important, it is the international organization. We were registered in 2009 and, certainly, the events of August, 2008 in South Ossetia promoted activization. We were organizing meeting, we tried to defend our point of view against interpretation of these events which prevailed not only in Belgium, but also in the West. I`d like to make an example. We have organized an exhibition; one Belgian journalist has come in and was amazed at what he had seen. «Why in Georgia there are no so large-scale destructions as in Ossetia», - he has asked. I gave him a book about the August events of 2008 in South Ossetia. He said that he would try to write about it through the blogs. I think, we have been right to do it -we should make ourselves known and should not expect for momentary results.