NATO and Georgia must not interfere in cases which does not concern them

Fri, 22/04/2011 - 15:22

Recently the ministerial meeting of the commission «Georgia- NATO" has taken place in Berlin. The joint statement has been accepted on the results of the meeting. The statement includes the openly provocative expressions and appeals, - in particular, to Russia, - to cancel the recognition of the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and also to «fulfill all the obligations on cease-fire taken on the agreement ".

Concerning Georgia there are the greetings related to «the taken obligations about non-usage of force". It’s obvious that the demands, founded on false accusations are being brought against Russia. Reading this statement, forms it seems that Russia has not ceased fire against Georgia yet and NATO calls her to stop it. Such demagogy makes a fool of NATO itself, which, unlike Russia, is addressing Georgia the warmest words, greeting her for the acts, which she has not carried out. One could not consider " the taken obligation about non-usage of force " the oral statement of Saakashvili, who, in a twinkle, not has simply broken, but has brutally violated the written fixed numerous international agreements (more precisely, the Sochi agreement in 1992, Moscow memorandum in1996, about 50 resolutions of the international Mixed checking commission on settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict and etc) obliged the sides, first of all Georgia, to settle the problems peacefully. So, the countries of NATO call the black white, and the white - black and come to conclusions, founded on this assumption. However, this can not be unknown for them. Their actions against the countries, which can not protect themselves, are obvious. If Iraq was groundlessly accused of production of the weapon of mass destruction, then in case of Libya they did not manage to condescend to any explanations. "You are guilty of that we are hungry", - it is their logic, their slogan, their religion. The representatives of NATO and Georgia certainly have a right to establish various commissions and be busy with their own deals. But Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia are neither the part of NATO, nor the part of Georgia. It would be useful if NATO politicians, who have demonstrated their full inability to any creation, and have destroyed and robbed the beautiful ancient prospering states, but also the Georgian politicians, whose people are suffering bitterly from the police tyranny, increase of the children death-rate and suicides, resolve their own problems. The point is about the agreement the president of the Russian Federation Dmitry Anatolievich Medvedev has signed with the president of France (and in the mentioned period – also the head of the Europe) Nikolya Sarkozi. Both Dmitry Medvedev and Nikolya Sarkozi have already made the statements that the Agreement was fulfilled. Then what is the business of NATO, and moreover, Georgia which is the state-aggressor, the state, accused in genocide and deserving punishment for their sinister crimes against the humanity? How they dare to speak of the rights and legality after they have done and are doing?

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