The best Academy town in the North Caucasus will be constructedin South Ossetia

Fri, 02/09/2011 - 20:31

In day of celebrating the Day of Republic - on September, 20 the first foundation stone of the Academic town will be putin South Ossetia. It has been declared by the President of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity during the meeting with the students of the South-Ossetian State University.According to the President, it will be the best university complex all over the North Caucasus;its project has been already confirmed.« We need the highly skilled experts, but, first of all, we need the good Ossetian youth brought up on kind nice Ossetian traditions and customs. We need the experts who know their native language perfectly. You are the bright future of our Ossetia», - the President has emphasized.

The head of the state has underlined that it is important the highly skilled expertsof the Republic must get education attheir native high school.Eduard Kokoity has reminded that almost all patriotic movements for independence of South Ossetia arose within the walls of the South-Ossetian State University.«Just here, in the assembly hallof the South-Ossetian State University, the first meetings of the fighters for free independent Ossetia were held. Here, being a student, I have begun my activity for future of our Ossetia, our people», - he has said.The head of the state has also noted the valuable contribution of the South-Ossetian State University`sfaculty to formation of the statehood of South Ossetia.«Once I, myself,was the first-year student, and, as well as you, I did not think too much. But when I felt the care and attention on the part of the university`s faculty, I understood that they were great people», - have concluded Kokoity.In turn, the rector of the South-Ossetian State UniversityTaymuraz Kokoev has thanked the President for his all-round aid and support to the university and has congratulated the students on the beginning of the academic year.

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