South Ossetia will appeal to the State Duma on the book "Ossetians in the service of the Third Reich"

Sun, 24/11/2019 - 17:04

Deputies of the Parliament of South Ossetia intend to prepare an appeal to the State Duma on the book "Ossetians in the service of the Third Reich," said the Parliament Speaker Alan Tadtaev.

“It was recently released by Ingush provocateurs and falsifiers of history. I want to note that in fact in history this has never happened and we will not allow anyone to rewrite history. And we agreed that on this fact the Parliament will also appeal to the State Duma of the Russian Federation,” the press service quoted the Speaker.

In addition, the State Committee for Information and Press and Ministry of Culture of South Ossetia appealed to their Russian colleagues with a request to give an appropriate assessment to this publication, and also intend to sue the author of the book, demanding to check the book for objectivity of the facts stated in it.

The book was published in Rostov by 10 thousandth edition of a monograph entitled "Ossetians in the service of the Third Reich." According to the author, who published the book under the pseudonym Lors Daryalsky, it contains materials about "mass betrayal and cooperation of Ossetians with the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War."

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