Boris Chochiev: «The damages of the sluice does not carry an economic, but a subversive character and are made under the instruction of the management of Georgia»

ср, 30/05/2007 - 15:30

In connection with the proceeding aggravation of the situation in the zone of the conflict the Co-chairman of the south-ossetian part of JCC Boris Chochiev has sent a letter to the co-chairmen of the Russian, the Georgian and the North-Ossetian parts of JCC Juriy Popov, Merab Antadze and Murat Tkhostov, to the Commander of the Joint Staff of JPKF Marat Kulakhmetov, to the Head of the Mission of OSCE in Georgia Mr. Roy Riv, to the Chief negotiator of the Euro commission in Georgia and Armenia Mr. Peer Eklund and to the Head of the Mission of UNHCR in Georgia Mr. Navid Hussein.
In the letter in particular it is spoken:
«The South-Ossetian part of JCC informs you, that there is observed the absence of potable water in town Tskhinval, in connection with the fact that the inhabitants of the georgian-populated villages of the Tskhinval district of South Ossetia Republic Tamarasheni-Kurta-Kekhvi regularly arrange various damages to the sluice Edis-Tskhinval, thus reducing the supply of potable water to the town up to a minimum.
At present at the mentioned site of the sluice it is revealed about twenty damages that are necessary to eliminate urgently. However the difficulties are created by the fact, that both the line of the sluice, as well as the territory, being in immediate vicinity, is unauthorizedly occupied by the local population under gardens and vegetable gardens. Besides, the given territory now is controlled by the Georgians that in the extremely aggressive form do not admit the repair brigades to the place of carrying out of the repair works.
The Georgian population explains its behaviour in the "necessity" to irrigate the ground areas them belonging. And that at the time, when within the limits of the Third program of the Euro commission a water-pump station is constructed, having solved the problem, that is also proved by the representatives of the Georgian side. Considering the above-stated, the South -Ossetian part of JCC declares, that the damages of the sluice does not carry an economic, but a subversive character and are made under the instruction of the management of Georgia with the aim to put the peace population of the town Tskhinval into a difficult position and to provoke reciprocal actions.
The damming of potable water to Tskhinval can cause the whole series of negative processes and the further aggravation of without that the uneasy situation. Such situation also threatens with humanitarian accident, for the consequences of which the top management of Georgia will be responsible.
In the created serious situation the South-Ossetian part of JCC declares, that, if in the nearest future the Georgian side itself does not eliminate the damages of the sluice on the site of the controllable by it Georgian villages, and the town does not receive potable water, the south-ossetian side will be compelled to dam the supply of portable and irrigating water to the Georgian villages of South Ossetia and Georgia. All the responsibility for the possible negative consequences will be incumbent upon the Georgian side.
We are convinced that the colleagues on JCC, as well as OSCE and EU will give an objective estimation to the developed situation and will condemn the actions of the Georgian side».

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