In Moscow will be signed a Memorandum and Action plan on rendering assistance to South Ossetia in the implementation of the program of sports and tourism development
Within the framework of the Treaty of Alliance and Integration between South Ossetia and the Russian Federation, today in Moscow will be signed the Memorandum and the Action Plan on rendering assistanceSouth Ossetia in theimplementation of theprogram of sports and tourism development.
According to the Committee on Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism of South Ossetia, "it is planned to sign a Memorandum between the Federal Agency for Tourism and the Committee on Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of South Ossetia in the field of tourism for 2016-2019, as well as the Memorandum between the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and the Committee on Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism of South Ossetia".
It should be noted that the Memorandum between the Federal Agency for Tourism and the Committee on Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism of South Ossetia provides for the development of tourist exchange, where the parties will contribute to creating favorable conditions for organization of tourist exchange between the two countries. According to the document, the parties will support cooperation of educational institutions of both countries for the purpose of education, training and advanced training of professional personnel for the tourism industry, exchanging the information on the legislation of both states in the field of tourism, including changes in laws and regulations relating to government regulation of the industry, on the system of classification and quality control of tourist and hotel services, exchange of information on investment proposals in the field of tourism and contribute to the development of cooperation between the tourist organizations of the two countries, investment in the tourism industry, as well as to promote protection of the interests and security of tourists in the territory of both countries.
The Memorandum signed between the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and the Committee on Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of South Ossetia also provides for the development of mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of sport. In particular, the parties will encourage cooperation between public sports institutions, sports federations and other sports organizations in the following areas: elite sport, mass sports, sports for the disabled, youth sport; education in sport; volunteer programs; sports science and sports medicine; sports infrastructure; struggle against doping in sport; holding major sporting events; coordination of cooperation within international and public organizations