пт, 09/02/2007 - 09:52

The acting Deputy Prime-Minister of the Government of South Ossetia Republic, the Co-chairman of the south-ossetian part of JCC Boris Chochiev has accepted the Head of the Mission of OSCE in Georgia the Ambassador Roy Riv under his request. Earlier Roy Riv met with the co-chairmen of the Russian and Georgian parties of JCC.
During the meeting was discussed the question of carrying out of the meeting of JCC within the limits of an existing format. Roy Riv has expressed concern over the fact, that the session of JCC did not take place for so long time and no decisions were accepted, that negatively reflects the georgian-ossetian relations and on the further course of the negotiating process, and also the realization of economic projects of rehabilitation of the zone of the conflict.
All the parties support the offer of the south-ossetian party on carrying out of a plenary session; the Georgian party supports the carrying out of an informal meeting. «I do not exclude the variant of carrying out of an informal advisory meeting on a neutral territory, where it is necessary to discuss the agenda and the place of carrying out of the future full-scale meeting of JCC. This meeting should be devoted to the unique purpose - to discuss all the questions of the forthcoming meeting in the format of JCC », has told Chochiev.
Boris Chochiev has declared, that the south-ossetian party remains the supporter of the peace settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict and is for the continuation of the negotiating process within the limits of an existing format, and has once again suggested holding of a plenary session in Tskhinval. According to Roy Riv, «OSCE as well as earlier supports the carrying out of the negotiating process in the existing format of JCC».
There were also discussed other questions, and in particular the agreement, that in the nearest future there will take place the bilateral working consultations of the lawyers between OSCE and the south-ossetian party under the agreement of the project on Arrangement on the activity of OSCE in South Ossetia Republic, has been reached.

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