Bozhidar Dimitrov has met the representatives of the south-ossetian youth

сб, 05/05/2007 - 11:43

Today the Head of the office of the mission of OSCE in Tskhinval Bozhidar Dimitrov has met the representatives of the youth organizations of South Ossetia Republic. As we were informed by the chairman of the youth Parliament of South Ossetia Republic Zita Besaeva « this meeting was the consequence of the meeting of the representatives of the Program of Environment and Security (ENVSEC) with the representatives of the south-ossetian youth that took place on March, 26th at South-Ossetian State University.
Already then it had become clear, that one meeting wouldn"t be enough as the young men had a lot of ideas, and these ideas should turn to concrete projects by means of the youth center, where the youth would have the opportunity to get any information. Namely the discussion and the development of creation of such center have also become the aim of the today"s meeting ».

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