The Statement of the South-Ossetian part of JCC

сб, 05/05/2007 - 11:45

As it became known to the South-Ossetian part of JCC, the Georgian side holds scale propaganda actions with the purpose as "to show" how the government of South Ossetia Republic "oppresses" the inhabitants of the republic of the Georgian nationality.
In particular, in the last two days a number of officials of Georgia spread the slanderous insinuations that the south-ossetian side has ostensibly forbidden the Georgian children the departure from South Ossetia to Georgia through the capital of the republic. Similar statements have been made and during the organized by the Georgian side in the settlement Mziuri near Tbilisi meeting of the Georgian children of South Ossetia with the children"s NGO of Georgia. The South-Ossetian part of JCC with all the responsibility declares that the given statements are contrary to fact and have the provocative, seditious character. The Georgian side has not only been refused in transportation of the children, but it hadn"t even addressed with such a request neither to the south-ossetian side, nor to the joint command of JPKF. The special indignation causes that fact, that for their dirty aims some officials of Georgia use children, forcing them to say the words, not being the truth. Does it correspond the high humanistic ideals of education of the rising generation?
Again declaring the peaceful position of the people and the management of South Ossetia, consisting in continuation of the negotiations on settlement of the conflict, in construction of trust, in denying of any forms of pressure, we address to the public of Georgia, to the parties of JCC, and also to OSCE, the European Union and to the international community as a whole to take into account the "methods" that are used in propaganda by the Georgian side.

On May, 2nd, 2007

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