Murat Tkhostov: «The Georgian government … has not, and can not have the other partner, except for the legitimate management of South Ossetia Republic»

вт, 15/05/2007 - 10:56

In connection with the last actions of the Georgian side on creation of a "temporary administration" in the zone of the conflict, the appointment of Dmitriy Sanakoev as its head and the announcement on beginning of negotiations with it, the correspondent of the agency "Res" has addressed to the co-chairman of JCC from North Ossetia - Alania Republic Murat Tkhostov for the comments.
"That the Georgian management instead of the "inconvenient" management of South Ossetia Republic has decided to appoint to itself the partner on negotiations, is a step so innovative, as well as useless for the real settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict. And the support by some of the western diplomats of the idea of "negotiations" of the government of Georgia with the Georgian officials is probably caused by the insufficient knowledge of distribution of the forces in the region.
It is obvious, that by creation of such phantoms and imitation of negotiations of the Georgian party with the virtual, but not with the true ossetian representatives, it is impossible to substitute for the real settlement. I want it very much, that in they would have as soon as possible understood in Tbilisi, that in the case of settlement of the conflict, in definition of the future of the region, in the future relations between the ossetians and the georgians, the Georgian government and all the interested parties has not and can not have the other partner, except for the legitimate management of South Ossetia Republic", Murat Tkhostov has told.

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