The Joint Staff of JPKF: «The Georgian side has made an attempt of interference in the process of carrying out of the rotation»

пн, 21/05/2007 - 09:42

According to the decision of JCC «About the Joint Peacekeeping Forces» in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict (Protocol № 7 from December, 6th, 1994) a scheduled rotation of the military men of the Peace-making battalion from the Russian Federation will be carried out from May, 21st till May, 25th, 2007.
In conformity with the decision of JCC № 42 from March, 16th -17th, 2005, the parties have been notified in the target date.
Despite of it, the Georgian side has made an attempt of interference in the process of carrying out of the rotation by imposing their conditions to the command of JPKF concerning the change of the movement route of the Russian peace-making battalion.
The command of JPKF considers necessary to declare, that the rotation of the Peace-making contingent from the Russian Federation in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict will be held on the shortest and safest route for following of the Russian military divisions from the post of their permanent disposition and will be carried out by the date fixed. It is necessary to note, that from the moment of entry of the Peace-making contingent from the Russian Federation in 1992, all the rotations of the staff were carried out through the check point «Verkhniy Zaromag».
In case of creation of obstacles to the replacement of the Peace-making contingent from the Russian Federation by the Georgian side, its terms will considerably increase and all the responsibility for failure of the peace-making task will be incumbent upon the Georgian side.

The assistant of the commander of JPKF on work with the mass-media, the captain Vladimir Ivanov

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