Boris Chochiev: «Tbilisi suggests discussing the obviously impracticable requirements»

пт, 25/05/2007 - 11:42

The South-Ossetian part of JCC has sent the Georgian party a letter with the offer to hold the next session of JCC for discussion of the situation, having developed in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict. The co-chairman of JCC from the south-ossetian party Boris Chochiev has informed about it to the correspondent of «Res». To his words, in response the Georgian party has reacted inadequately enough. «We were offered in a categorical form to discuss the questions of demilitarization of the zone of the conflict and location of a tripartite post at the bridge, near the village Gufta. Actually it would mean the unilateral disarmament of South Ossetia and the taking control by the Georgian party of the Zar roundabout road. In other words Tbilisi suggests discussing the obviously impracticable requirements, considering the undertaken by Georgia actions on destabilization of situation in the zone of the conflict. On the background of construction of fortifications, the regular shellings of Tskhinval, the psychological pressure and informational aggression, such offers are regarded by the ossetian party as the aspiration to break the negotiating process», Boris Chochiev has told.

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