The Message of the Joint Staff of JPKF

вт, 10/07/2007 - 12:07

On July, 8th, 2007 as a result of negotiations of the command of JPKF and the parties of the conflict the situation in the area of the settlement Аvnevi is stabilized. The correspondent of the agency «Res “ was informed about it by the assistant of the commander of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict on work with the mass-media, the lieutenant colonel Juriy Vereshchak.
«The divisions of the power structures of Georgia and South Ossetia left for their places of disposition. The temporary post of the Peacekeeping Forces from the Russian Federation and the temporary post of the Peacekeeping Forces from Georgia continue to remain in the area of the incident.
A temporary post of the Peacekeeping Forces from the Russian Federation is placed with the aim of stabilization of the situation in the area to the west of the settlement Тamarasheni, in the area of the settlement Kverneti.
The command of JPKF insists on an immediate meeting of the co-chairmen of JCC on discussion of the aggravating situation in the zone of the conflict, and on acceptance of concrete decisions on the way out of it», Juriy Vereshchak has told.

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