The "Leader" detachment has demined 30 hectares in four settlements of the Republic, commander of the detachment Alexander Shevchenko

пт, 30/06/2017 - 17:29

In total, this year, the sappers of the Russian Emergency Ministry's rescue center for special risks "Leader" neutralized 105 explosive devices and engineering ammunition-27 antipersonnel mines and 2 tank mines, "said commander of the detachment Colonel Alexander Shevchenko.
According to him, the mission of the detachment in South Ossetia lasted 80 days.
"We arrived in South Ossetia on April 15. The Presidential Executive Office allocated 22 hectares, which we had to demine and give our conclusions in 80 days to the local self-government bodies, - Shevchenko noted. - To date, the detachment of the center "Leader" cleared 30 hectares in four settlements: Sarabuk, Auneu, Pris and Isaky kau. "
Tomorrow, on July 1, will take place the transfer of the last territory and the detonation of the found ammunition.
"The leadership of the two countries developed a program for three years and, accordingly, next year we will continue to work in South Ossetia," he said. - There are already certain developments, where we will carry out demining. Naturally, the leadership of South Ossetia will determine the territories that we will clear, "- concluded Shevchenko.
In the demining of the territory are involved 30 sappers and five units of technical equipment. in 2016 sappers of the Russian center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for carrying out rescue operations of a special risk "Leader" demined more than 50 hectares of territory around the village of Ered in Tskhinval district. Then, it was discovered more than 300 different munitions.

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