RSO MFA Statement

Thu, 17/06/2010 - 10:49

in relationa to the armed attack in the village of Diseu
On 15 June 2010. the borderline village of Diseu, Tskhinval district, Republic of South Ossetia, was fired at from the police checkpoint in the village of Koshki, Georgia. This incident resulted in three wounds received by a citizen of South Ossetia, Anatoly Kisiev, and his 15-year old son Robert Kisiev was seized and beaten up by Georgian policemen, and released soon after.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia expresses deep concern over the new attempt of the Georgian side to destabilize the situation in the region and draws the attention of the internation community to the unwillingness of the Georgian authorities to settle the problems by peaceful means and maintain a constructive dialogue with the Republic of South Ossetia, the proof of which is their refusal to sign a non-use of force document with South Ossetia.
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia must again draw the attention of the European Union to the implementation of the mandate by its military monitors (EUMM) so that their activities are more effective in terms of maintenance of security in the region.

16 June 2010

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