The Statements of Georgia are comical as usual

Thu, 28/04/2011 - 18:12

Last Wednesday the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia called the visit of Sergey Lavrov to South Ossetia and Abkhazia the comical grotesque show. These two statements again testify that Georgia does not get on not only with the numerous countries, but it also has problems with the adequate perception of the reality. The planned working visit of the Minister for foreign affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov is the evidence of that the daily practical work .on setting up the system of interstate relations between our countries is going on. More than 50 of the most important agreements have been signed; - the tens of not less important agreements are in the stage of preparation. Very long ago passed the time, when the statements of the official Tbilisi were significant even for its western suzerains.

During the last twenty years Georgia repeated over and over again that Russia would never acknowledge South Ossetia and Abkhazia, However Russia has acknowledged it. Now Georgia is waiting that some states will just abandon the recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but there is a lack of them, and then it is already felt .the rejection of recognition of so-called and never existing "territorial wholeness" of Georgia. But now (not in the first time) in its helpless fury .Georgia has not restrained itself in offensive expressions towards the Minister of the great state. Among the other factors such behaviour is the reason of steady fall of the international prestige of Georgia. But after all we remember the time, when Georgia was welcomed by all the international structures. We are not the first ones who pay attention to the fall of frequency of the foreign trips of Saakashvili – nobody wants to see him. It is disgusting for the majority of the European politicians to shake his hand before camera flashes. One could understand them – each one appreciates his good name! I`ll not mention the disgraceful scandal with Israel, which has been shamelessly demonstrated the whole gangster arsenal of the state repressive machine of Georgia, who managed to throw in prison even the Turkish consul - a person, who has diplomatic immunity. The fall of the international prestige of Georgia is testified by the intentional restriction of travelling of the citizens of Georgia in the Schengen area. This is connected with the fact that more citizens of Georgia are being arrested in Europe for selling drugs, weapon, smuggling, larceny, fraud, and even for robbery. It is interesting that the initiators of revising the Schengen agreement are the first persons of France and Italy. The purpose is to suspend the increased migration in Europe. The Expert of the Centre of investigating the economic problems David Narmaniya has reported the mass media that «the illegal immigrants make problems for Europe, and half of the Georgian immigrants are illegal». In the course of the last two weeks the process of receiving visas in the EU countries for the Georgian citizens has been complicated. This has been declared at the company "Red Star", which sends the citizens of Georgia to the EU countries on working and educational programs. So on this background the capers of the leaders of Georgia itself look like some comical grotesque show; Georgia became the hotbed for criminality, illegal drug traffic and weapon in Europe. Certainly, Europe has a right and must protect its citizens from criminal threat on the part of Georgia. So isn’t it comical on the part of Georgia to demand subordination from the south ossetians and abkhazians, when the georgians themselves, run away as fast as possble from Georgia?

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