The branch of the International Scientific Society of the Caucasus researchers will be established in South Ossetia

Mon, 04/07/2011 - 10:47

The branch of the International Scientific Society of the Caucasus researchers will be established in South Ossetia. It has been reported the news agency "Res" by the director of the South-Ossetian Scientific Research Institute named after Z.N.Vaneev, the Candidate of History, a senior lecturer Robert Gagloev. The decision on the branch establishment has been made following the results of this point discussion by the participants of the International conference «Problems of the Caucasus and modern Caucasus researching; the role of external and internal factors in the region development» which has passed in the cities Vladikavkaz (North Ossetia, Russia) and Tskhinval (Republic of South Ossetia). All necessary documentation has been already handed over to Robert Gagloev, and now the documents are on the stage of preparation for the branch registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of South Ossetia.

It should be noted that the branch of the International Scientific Society of the Caucasus researchers has been already functioning successfully in Armenia. According to Gagloev, besides our country - Abkhazia and Azerbaijan are also in turn. It should be mentioned that the day before the second part of the international conference «Problems of the Caucasus and the modern Caucasus researching, the role of internal and external factors in the region development», having started on Thursday in Vladikavkaz, has continued its work in Tskhinval. Representatives of the scientific expert community of South Ossetia, Russia, Germany, Poland and Armenia have taken part in the conference. The second day the participants of the conference have been seeing the sights of South Ossetia, communicating with the population; they could observe the course of reconstruction works, which had started after the liberation of South Ossetia from the Georgian invaders in 2008, at the objects destroyed by the Georgian army Following the results of the conference work, the total declaration is supposed to be adopted in South Ossetia.

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