Thanks to the fortitude of those who over the years have been living and fighting, the Republic exists today – a flash poll

Sat, 21/09/2013 - 14:02

The main holiday of the modern history of South Ossetia is the Republic Day, which is celebrated today, September 20. The current, 23d anniversary, is being celebrated with special solemnity. The significance of this day for the RSO is time-tested and the correctness of the chosen path is the evidential fact.

Irina Gagloeva, president of the media center "Ir":

September 20 – is the holiday of historical significance to the Ossetian people, because on this day was made the truly popular decision to determine their status. Georgia, taking an advantage of the actual beginning of the collapse of the Soviet Union, attempted annexation of the territory of the South Ossetian autonomy. The authorities did not react to this action, expecting that someone would resolve this issue. The people were in suspense and anticipation of concrete steps. Without waiting for any concrete action from the party structures, the people themselves began to seek for the way out to determine their fate.
By that time the public organization "Adaemon Nykhas" played a crucial role in defining the national strategy for South Ossetia and deserved absolute trust of the people.
It should be noted that all decisions were made in the context of the actual situation, and were discussed at the meetings of the Regional Council of People's Deputies, the only legitimate body that could respond to the demands of the people. It was almost the revival of our Nykhas. The session was attended by the public, representatives of "Adaemon Nykhas." No any decision could be autocratic any more. People could determine their fate, expressing their will to secede from Georgia and pursue a course of creation the union with Russia. History has confirmed the correctness of this decision. Our people had to go through many trials: the war unleashed by Georgia against South Ossetia, political intrigues.
23 years have passed since that historic day; certain experience has been accumulated. It is safe to say one thing: people can overcome a lot of hardships and the attempts to solve something instead of them lead to negative results. Through the fortitude of those who have been defending their motherland all these years, struggling, losing their loved ones, looking for a solution, the Republic exists today.

Radion Pukhaev, head of the International non-profit association «Renaissance Saendidzaen»:

September 20 for me is the beginning of the modern history of Ossetia. Our organization has repeatedly carried out activities in Europe to mark the Republic Day. The foundation of our state has been laid at that time.
A little more than 20 years have passed, our country has gone through a lot of trials, but we have survived and built a country. Now it's time to beautify and ennoble our state. It is not easy, but we are strong people, and we will cope with this task! I wish Ossetia prosperity and wellbeing.

Vadim Tskhovrebov, Member of the Parliament of South Ossetia:

Proclamation of the Republic on September 20 is one of the most important dates in the history of our state.
A lot of guests, delegations from different republics of the North Caucasus, the Russian Federation as a whole, arrive in the Republic to take part in celebration of such important holidays. They can see that we are able not only to fight, but also to celebrate and appreciate our statehood.
September 20 is the important day for us, and it is necessary to talk more about it, covering it in the media, to involve more people in the celebration.
Proclamation of the Republic of South Ossetia September 20, 1990 was a correct and courageous decision of the then leadership. I thank them very much for such a brave and heroic step.

Zurab Kokoev, Chairman of the political council of the party ‘‘Unity’’, the Vice -Speaker of the Parliament of South Ossetia:

September 20 is our national holiday. 23 ago we proclaimed the Republic of South Ossetia. I`d like to note, that we have recently hosted the international conference, where we talked about solving the issues facing the Republic, including the strengthening of our statehood, the restoration of the Republic. Each holiday should bring joy to people. Every year on September 20 we celebrate some success, improvement of infrastructure. Yesterday, in Tskhinval took place the official opening of the garment factory, which had not functioned over 20 years. This is very important because we will have new jobs. More than a hundred families will be provided with wages. This is due to the hard work of President Leonid Tibilov who has been working a lot to eliminate shortcomings in the restoration process, improving the life of people.

Manana Parastaeva, head of the Russian and foreign literature department of the South Ossetian State University :

I`d like to note the joy related to the sacral coincidence of the Republic Day with the great religious feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and I think that for the Orthodox people it is very important. Especially during the war people were feeling her presence in their souls. I wish my compatriots to feel the grace-giving action of the Holy Spirit, which will protect them, guide them, teaching wisdom and tolerance. Proclamation of the independence has allowed us to initiate ourselves in this world, and I hope we will be united by a general idea of our greatness in the world.

Igor Chochity, a student of the journalism department of the South Ossetian State University:

September 20 , of course, is the main national holiday of the Republic. This year we are celebrating the 23d anniversary of its formation. The modern history of South Ossetia has included many significant dates, but we consider the most important September 20 ( 1990), when the Council of People's Deputies of the South Ossetian Autonomous Region adopted a Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the South Ossetian Soviet Democratic Republic. It is a turning point for our people. We, the younger generation of Ossetia have to remember all those who have taken this important decision in the name of future generations.

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