It's time for the West to come to terms with the reality of the existence of the independent South Ossetia - Peter Gassiev

Fri, 20/08/2021 - 20:09

The recent appeal of a number of Western countries to Russia regarding the withdrawal of recognition of the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia became the topic of the report of the first Vice-Speaker of the Parliament, Peter Gassiev, at the session.

. Gassiev appealed to the parliamentarians with a proposal to give a political assessment of the very outrageous, according to him, appeal

In his report, the first Vice-Speaker drew attention to the fact that "thirteen years ago, two independent republics were recognized by Russia, and all these years the West does not want to accept the obvious fact, and continues to repeat somewhere in the void about the need to return them to Georgia. withdraw troops, etc. ".

“Seven Western countries, in connection with the anniversary of the August war and on the eve of the Day of Recognition of the Independence of South Ossetia, issued a statement, which indicated the “need” to withdraw the results of the 2008 peacekeeping operation. You don't need to be a seasoned political scientist to predict that by August 26, 2022, the West will again call on Russia to return Georgia control over South Ossetia. The celebrations on the Day of Recognition of Independence on August 26 show the whole world that you can be indignant as much as you like, call for the return of South Ossetia to Georgia, nothing in this sense will change,” Gassiev said.

As noted by Gassiev, Great Britain, surprised. Him by signing this statement

“I must say that Great Britain quite surprised me by the fact that it signed this statement - during its history this country occupied almost the whole world, there are only 22 countries in the world today that had never been occupied by it. The USA is a former British colony, and today it is under the strict control of the UK ruling elite. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Syria, Yemen - the countries where the centers of the world terrorism are located today were under British occupation for many years,” the parliamentarian stressed.

The first Vice-Speaker has noted that the most dangerous ISIS fighters were trained in Britain at one time. According to him, Osama bin Laden also received an education at the secular British college Tajer. According to him, the leaders of the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA), who have been terrorizing the country's population for almost thirty years, hired professionals in Britain.

“The godless policy of the British shadow government has drowned humanity in blood over the past 300 years. Millions of human lives have been sacrificed to the selfish colonial and merciless racial policies of Britain's shadow elites. They initiated the most massive genocides in history, including against their own people.

Today, the shadow government of Britain, as it seems, is extremely concerned about the rapid military-political reconstruction of Russia, the only country that openly and firmly expressed its position during the August war in South Ossetia - which saved the Ossetian people from another genocide by the British satellite Georgia; by a strategic alliance of Russia and South Ossetia, strong and inseparable integration ties, "- said Gassiev.

According to Gassiev, not a single country, not a single leader, not a single nation can stand alone against the cunning and sophistication of such a well-organized force that has penetrated the deepest layers of states. He has noted that the shadow government of Britain has created a colossal state - political, intelligence – military, financial and economic mechanisms of the fight against countries and peoples, the fight against humanity for world domination.

“Therefore, it is important for us, the peoples of South Ossetia, Abkhazia, to unite and support our strategic ally in this difficult turning point, when the Russian Federation is exposed to unprecedented attacks and threats from the center of world evil and the world media. It is time to be together,” he said.

Gassiev has emphasized that South Ossetia and Abkhazia are countries that have been recognized by the strongest power in the world, Russia, which, having assumed allied obligations thirteen years ago, will not allow, under any circumstances, to use these territories either as military footholds or as experimental sites for their biological laboratories or other "dirty" experiments, neither for the placement of industries harmful to the environment, and even more so for the creation of a confrontational zone against Russia in Transcaucasia.

“It's time to come to terms with this reality and turn our gaze to the unipolar world falling into the tartars of history. Whether London likes it or not, this fall began precisely with the end of the operation to force Georgia (the West) to peace and was formed in accordance with the sacred right of nations to self-determination on August 26, 2008, when two independent states appeared on the map of the earth - South Ossetia and Abkhazia ", - stressed the first Vice-Speaker.

The full text of the speech of the Deputy Speaker of Parliament is published on the website of the Parliament.

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