Archive - 19/7/2012

Thu, 19/07/2012 - 15:12

During the visit to South Ossetia co-chairmen of the Geneva discussions promised to help in defusing the situation in the village of Zardiantkari

Yesterday a meeting of the South Ossetian delegation at the Geneva talks on security with the co-chairs of the OSCE, EU and UN was held in Tskhinval. After the meeting they travelled to the village of Khelchua (Tskhinval district of South Ossetia), bordering on the village of Zardiantkari (Georgia), where June 29 the Georgian policemen had moved their post closer to the South Ossetian border.
As reported to IA "Res" by Presidential Envoy to post-conflict settlement, Murat Dzhioev, in Khelchua was held a meeting of co-chairs with the locals, who had been forced to leave their homes due to the placing of the Georgian police post.