The Round table with participation of the creative intelligentsia from Ossetia, Russia and the European countries went off in Brussels

Sun, 12/06/2011 - 12:56

On June, 8 the Round table of creative intelligentsia from Ossetia, Russia and the countries of Europe «The Cooperation Bridges» has taken place in the Russian centre of science and culture in Brussels. The Round table has been organized by the International association of the Ossetian societies "Renaissance" and the Gallery "IR-ART". The action has been timed to several dates: the Independence Day of the Republic of South Ossetia, the Independence Day of the Russian Federation and to the City Day of Vladikavkaz which are celebrated on May, 29, on June, 12 and on June, 11 accordingly.

At the Round table a well-known producer-documentary film maker Vadim Tsalikov had the opening speech on a subject «The role and place of the Ossetian culture in the modern world». The Vice-Chairman of the International association of the Ossetian societies "Renaissance", the Chairman of the Belgian organization «Renaissance Sandzidzan» Rodion Pukhaev has mentioned about the prospects of cooperation of Ossetia and Russia with the Western Europe countries in the field of culture and art. Having noticed that this year Ossetia is celebrating the 260 anniversary of receiving the first Ossetian embassy in St.-Petersburg and the beginning of strategic partnership between Ossetia and Russia, Rodion Pukhaev has underlined the important role of Russia in the fortunes of the Ossetian and other Caucasian nations. A well- known Ossetian painter Vadim Pukhaev, a well-known artist in Belgium Igor Toguzaev, a journalist Fatima Alikova, an artist Poljanina Alexandra, the representatives of the Ossetian diaspora in Europe have also taken an active part in the discussions. At the forum the historical role of culture of the Sarmats and the Alans in formation of the Western Europe states, the idea that this historical tradition should be continued have been mentioned. The prospects of closer cooperation of Ossetia with the European countries in the field of culture and art, strengthening the contacts of the Ossetian communities in Europe with their historical native land, the development and realization of the new joint projects have been also discussed at the Round table. The possibilities of preparation for carrying out «The days of the Ossetian culture in Europe» have been expressed, too. After the end of the of the Round table work in Brussels the opening of the art exhibition of the Ossetian and the Russian artists -"Reflection" -has taken place.

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