
Decisions regarding South Ossetia in 2008 are not subject to revision

04/10/2024 - 17:32

Russia will continue to provide assistance to South Ossetia in ensuring security; the decisions of 2008 are not subject to revision. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, opening negotiations with the South Ossetian Foreign Minister Akhsar Dzhioyev.

The South Ossetian Presidential Executive Office has spoken out about the expansion of the Russian military base in the Republic

03/10/2024 - 20:51

The expansion of the Russian military base in South Ossetia and the upcoming ratification in the State Duma of the agreement on the development of military-technical cooperation between the countries demonstrate a consistent increase in cooperation between Moscow and Tskhinval in the defense sector, Yuri Vazagov, the head of the information and analytical department of the of Presidential Executive Office of the Republic, has noted in a commentary to IA “Res”.

South Ossetia called on the Georgian party to take reciprocal steps in the issue of missing persons

27/09/2024 - 22:45

The South Ossetian party once again called on Georgia not to politicize the issue of missing persons and to take reciprocal steps in this purely humanitarian issue, Inal Tasoev, Commissioner for Human Rights under President of the Republic, told IA “Res ”, commenting on the results of the next meeting within the framework of the Tripartite Coordination Mechanism for the Search for Missing Persons, which took place on Friday in the village of Ergnet.

The hypocrisy of individual Georgian politicians touching on the topic of South Ossetia knows no bounds — Communist Party

16/09/2024 - 20:11

Neither Bidzina Ivanishvili nor other Georgian politicians have deeply understood the tragedy of South Ossetia, the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Republic of South Ossetia has noted, commenting on the statement of the founder of the ruling Georgian Dream party that Georgia should apologize to the Ossetians for 2008 and punish those guilty of unleashing the aggression.

The decision taken by Russia in 2008 was the only correct one in relation to South Ossetia - Irina Gagloeva

25/08/2024 - 20:35

For South Ossetia, August 26, 2008, is undoubtedly a historical date of national significance, the former Minister of Press and Mass Communications, director of the media center "Ir" Irina Gagloeva has noted in a commentary to IA "Res".

"The recognition of our Republic by the Russian Federation was of fateful importance for us," Gagloeva said. - Moreover, turning to history, we can trace that our people began the national liberation struggle with an orientation and hope for Russia."

Relations between South Ossetia and Russia are at a high level - Leonid Tibilov

24/08/2024 - 18:39

The life of the people of South Ossetia can be divided into "before" and "after" the recognition of the Republic by the Russian Federation, - the former President Leonid Tibilov jas noted in a commentary to IA "Res" on the eve of the significant date.

The politician has emphasized that after the recognition of the Republic, many facilities were built within the framework of the Russian investment program to promote the socio-economic development of South Ossetia, and political issues were also resolved.

The Great Day for Our People: Mira Tskhovrebova on the recognition of South Ossetia by Russia

23/08/2024 - 20:10

The significance of the Day of Recognition of South Ossetia by the Russian Federation in the history of the modern Ossetia cannot be overestimated, - the Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia of the fifth convocation, the Candidate of philology, Professor Mira Tskhovrebova, has noted in a commentary to IA "Res".

According to her, the "August 26, 2008 was a truly great day for the entire people of South Ossetia."

By recognizing South Ossetia in 2008, Russia signaled its return to the world stage as a great power - Mikhail Chernov

22/08/2024 - 22:32

(Название отсутствует)

By recognizing South Ossetia in 2008, Russia signaled its return to the world stage as a great power - Mikhail Chernov

South Ossetia is developing thanks to the development of comprehensive relations with Russia and close joint work, the political scientist Mikhail Chernov noted in a commentary to IA “Res” on the eve of the 16th anniversary of the recognition of the Republic of the Russian Federation.

The recognition of South Ossetia by Russia was the highest manifestation of friendly relations between the two countries - Murat Dzhioev

21/08/2024 - 16:35

The recognition of South Ossetia by the Russian Federation on August 26, 2008 was the act of the greatest justice towards our people,” Murat Dzhioev, a deputy of the first convocation of Parliament, former head of the Republic’s Foreign Ministry, Candidate of History, has noted in a commentary to IA “Res” on the eve of the significant date.

According to him, Russia, by recognizing the independence of South Ossetia, thereby confirmed the right of the people of the Republic to independent sovereign development.
