ICRC is assisting in the construction of water lines in the villages of South Ossetia

Fri, 12/10/2012 - 10:59

The Mission of the Red Cross (ICRC) in South Ossetia continues to assist in the construction of water supply systems in the rural areas of the Republic.

As the news agency "Res" has been informed by the assistant of the head of the ICRC Wanda Bolataeva, "in some parts of the village of Buzala in Dzausky district of South Ossetia there was not water supply system and the residents had to carry drinking water from the nearby springs. They asked us to help them with water pipes, and the district administration expressed willingness to perform at its own expense all the construction works".
According to her, the villagers` request was satisfied by the management of the Mission.
"We have provided the pipes to lay the water supply system to Buzala from the main water passage Edis-Tskhinval located about two kilometers from the village. According to our experts, after the completion of the work, the needs of the villagers in drinking water will be completely satisfied "- said the ICRC spokeswoman.
According to her, after the project implementation the management of the International Red Cross Mission plans to provide building materials for construction the water supply systems in other rural settlements of Dzausky district with the assistance of the district administration.
The ICRC and the administration of Dzausky district have agreed that the projects will be realized one by one, allowing the district administration to focus entirely on one project, and the ICRC to assess the quality of the work before to provide assistance in the next village of the district.
Earlier, similar assistance was provided to the villages of Zar, Khetagurovo, Eltura, Ioncha etc.

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