Issues of dual citizenship were discussed during the video bridge Tskhinval-Sukhum

Thu, 17/08/2023 - 20:25

The agreement between South Ossetia and Russia on the settlement of issues of dual citizenship will begin after the exchange of instruments of ratification and the determination of the procedure for granting dual citizenship, - said Zita Besaeva, deputy of the RSO Parliament during the Tskhinval-Sukhum video bridge held at the Sputnik-South Ossetia site.

She has remnded that the agreement between South Ossetia and Russia on dual citizenship was concluded in 2021, but the instruments of ratification have not yet been exchanged.

“The ratification procedure took place in both states. Our president and the Russian leader have signed the law on the ratification of dual citizenship. Today we are waiting for the determination of the procedure for granting a second citizenship by President of Russia, as well as the exchange of instruments of ratification. And then the implementation of this agreement will begin on the territory of both states,” Besaeva has stressed.

Oleg Bartsits, trade representative of Abkhazia in Russia, who participated in the videoconference from the Abkhazian side, has stressed that the implementation of the Dual Citizenship Agreement will bring additional convenience to residents of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

“A lot of barriers are removed for residents of our countries with the acquisition of the Russian passport. Dual citizenship, of course, will create additional conveniences, remove a lot of household and other everyday inconveniences for the citizens of our republics,” Bartsits said.

About the Agreement between South Ossetia and Russia on Dual Citizenship

The agreement was signed on September 20, 2021. It states that citizens of one party have the right, without renouncing their citizenship, to acquire the citizenship of the other party.

Russia provides citizens of South Ossetia (at the time of recognition of the Republic on August 26, 2008), who have reached the age of majority, the right to apply for admission to Russian citizenship in a simplified manner. The conditions for admission to citizenship, the procedure for filing applications for admission, the list of documents to be submitted and the procedure for considering applications are established by the President of Russia.

It is also noted that persons who are citizens of both parties enjoy the rights to social security, education, medical care in accordance with the legislation of the party in whose territory they permanently reside. At the same time, any party has the right to provide such persons with rights and benefits, even if they reside in the territory of the other party. The parties shall also provide each other upon request with information on the acquisition by persons with dual citizenship of the citizenship of a third state.

The Agreement is subject to ratification and enters into force on the date of the exchange of instruments of ratification. It is valid for five years and is automatically extended for subsequent five-year periods, unless either party notifies the other through official channels six months before the expiration of the next five-year period.

"The termination of the Agreement does not automatically entail the termination of the citizenship of either party. The further stay of persons with the citizenship of both parties is governed by applicable international treaties and the legislation of the parties," the document summarizes.

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