Schools of South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria signed a cooperation agreement

Wed, 11/09/2024 - 21:50

The cooperation agreement and establishment of twinning relations between the educational organizations of South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria was signed in Tskhinval. As reported to IA "Res" by the press service of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of South Ossetia, the agreement was signed in order to create a single information educational space and develop direct ties.

"The event was held online. The agreement was signed by the K. Khetagurov Albion Gymnasium represented by Director Irina Ilyinichna Guchmazta, the Bendery Secondary School No. 20 represented by Director Raisa Semyonovna Makarenko and the F. Eshba Ochamchira Secondary School No. 2 represented by Director Ilona Khukhutovna Dameniya,” the press service said.

The Ministry of Education has added that within the framework of the agreement, it is planned to implement joint projects and programs of a methodological, educational, sports and civic-patriotic nature, exchange of experience and implementation of best practices in educational, upbringing, and managerial aspects of administrative activities in educational institutions, joint preparation and publication of teaching aids, recommendations, publications of best practices of educational institutions.

It is also planned to work on the formation of cognitive interests and abilities of creative amateur performance, active civic position of students, education in students of respect for the history, culture, traditions of the peoples of the Republic of Abkhazia, Transnistria and the Republic of South Ossetia, including within the framework of organizing joint extracurricular activities of students.

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