The dialogue between the EU observer mission patrols with the border residents of South Ossetia is impossible - Khokh Gagloyty
In the Georgian village of Ergneti was held a meeting in the format of mechanisms to prevent and respond to incidents (IPRM).
As reported by Deputy Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of South Ossetia for post-conflict settlement Khokh Gagloyty, in the course of the meeting there were discussed issues of security around the perimeter of the state border of South Ossetia with Georgia.
"During the meeting was received alarming news concerning the inhabitant of the village of Ioncha, Znaur district of South Ossetia - said Gagloyty. - This man was cultivating his plot by a tractor and was fired from the Georgian side. As a result, he was wounded in the arm. We have brought this information to all the participants of the IPRM. This case is currently under study. "
Gagloyty has noted that the meeting took place in a calm atmosphere.
"We have studied the incidents occurred in the previous period – said Deputy Envoy. – The statistics of offenses did not go beyond the totaling measurement of the previous period. The only thing that can be noted is that in July the South Ossetian border guards recorded the fact of carrying on a dialogue between the EU observer mission patrols with residents of the South Ossetian village of Tsnelis in Znaur district of South Ossetia.
We have brought to the attention of patrols of the Mission of the European Union that it impossible to carry on such dialogues, because such communication contributes to border violation by the Observer Mission patrols, or urge some residents of South Ossetia to violate the state border. We have stated that they should desist from such dialogues in the future. "
Gagloyty has also noted that is the format of the meeting was received the information concerning the fate of the missing citizens of South Ossetia.
"There is some progress in terms of establishing communication between the Georgian investigating agencies and the authorities of South Ossetia to monitor investigative measures to search for the missing citizens of South Ossetia. According to the OSCE co-chair Angelo Gnedinger, this mechanism will be implemented during the upcoming Geneva talks. "
The next meeting in the format of IPRM is scheduled for October 29.