The advisory meeting within the limits of JCC has again been finished without any results

Tue, 08/05/2007 - 09:18

The advisory meeting of the co-chairmen of JCC from the south-ossetian and the georgian sides, of Boris Chochiev and Merab Antadze, at the participation of the head of the Mission of OSCE in Georgia Roy Riv has taken place in Tskhinval. At the meeting the intense situation, developed on the site of the Trans-Caucasian main Kekhvi-Tamarasheni in connection with the illegally police posts placed by the Georgian side, at which the citizens of South Ossetia Republic, passing through this piece, are subjected to unfairly rigid examination, was discussed.
Predictably, the meeting hasn"t brought any results. The Georgian party has put forward a condition of settlement of the situation by convocation of the working groups for discussion of the procedure of removal of the posts, thus not having given any guarantee that these posts will be removed. In reply to it the ossetian party has pointed out that the posts were placed without any discussions and the condition of deblocking of the road should become the removal of the given posts.
Not having come to a compromise, the parties have finished the meeting, and though the co-chairmen from the both parties have expressed the hope that the negotiating process within the limits of JCC would be continued, it becomes obvious, that the meetings, similar today"s, solve nothing and are held with cleanly protocol purposes.

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