There is no any place for the national minorities in Georgia

Wed, 06/04/2011 - 13:41

Tbilisi has liked to mention on any cause or without about its "hot love "for the ossetians and the abkhazians, from whom they ostensibly were separated by the «insidious russian invaders". It’s a real pleasure to read the rippling articles in the Georgian press about the «paradisiacal life" which will wait the ossetians and the abkhazians if they submit to the Georgian regime. Let’s look at the real attitude towards the non-georgian people in the "lighthouse of democracy", whose original lands turned out to be the part of the «sunny republic". So, owing to the will of historical destiny, Dzhavakhk, where since the immemorial time the Armenians have been living, unexpectedly found itself the part of Georgia. In 2002 they formed 95 percent of the population of the land; their number was 113 thousand men.

Meantime, the Georgian authorities are not creating not only the paradisiacal life being generously promised for the ossetians and the abkhazians, but, one could say, step on their throat, depriving them of the elementary rights. The Armenians have to struggle and obtain by great efforts even those things, which in normal state are given automatically. Let`s consider the situation in detail. In Dzhavakhk the Armenians demand and persist on ensuring the equal rights with the title nation of Georgia. But in Tbilisi no one wants not only to hear these demands, but even not anybody deigns to condescend to the detailed and comprehensive study of the situation. Instead of the fact they prefer to follow the rumours and the old nationalistic myths. So the considerations of the political elite of Georgia about the situation in Dzhavakhk are reduced to trivial accusations in separatism and longing of the Armenians to split off this land from Georgia. But the problems, indeed, are very serious. Solving some of them is so simply that it is even strangely, why Tbilisi does not make these steps – after all, from the political standpoint it would be only advantageous for Georgia. However, judge yourselves. The Armenians demand: to establish the legal status of the georgian diocese of the Armenian Apostolic church, to raise the efficiency of the civil integration of the Armenian population into the georgian society, to stop mass outflow of the able-bodied population on earnings beyond the limits of the country (in Georgia this region is on one of the first places on a number of the money orders from Russia), to release the people, who have been arrested for protection of the national minorities in Georgia, in particular the well-known public and political figure of Dzhavakhk Levon Chakhalyan, to allow teaching the Armenian language at the schools of Dzhavakhk. As you can see, the Armenians are demanding nothing impracticable and nothing supernatural for themselves. These goods are used by the large national minorities in normal countries, including the Georgians themselves. However, they refuse "their" national minorities even in these details .It`s clear that Georgia needs only the territory, but not the «non-Georgians". For achieving its purposes the political elite of Georgia instead of the direct armed aggression and a blockade (as in case with the Abkhazians and the south ossetians) resorts to creating the unbearable conditions for life by "peaceful way" in Dzhavakhk. Is it surprising that the Armenians in mass abandon Dzhavakhk and leave for Armenia or Russia in search of the best life? The constant assurances of the authoritative Armenian representatives about the full and absolute loyalty of Georgia also do not soften the position of the Georgians: the deputy of the georgian parliament Hamlet Movsisyan has declared that one will be able to solve all the problems, which the Armenians have today in Georgia, due to the close cooperation between the authorities of both countries. The Head of the administration of the region Ninotsminda Suren Mosoyan has emphasized that one ought not to separate Georgia from Dzhavakhetia, and the development of Dzhavakhetia in full depends on the development of Georgia in whole. "The powerful Georgia - is a powerful Dzhavakhk, and vice versa" - has emphasized he. But even this did not help the improvement of joyless life of the Armenians in Dzhavakhk. If one could explain the hostile actions against the Ossetians and the Abkhazians by their unwillingness to live in the "independent georgian state", so the similar hostility towards the Armenians in Dzhavakhk, who are swearing in their faithfulness and devotion to Georgia at every turn, is inexplicable.
Meantime, ignoring the legal requirements of the Armenians not for fun makes the situation become heated. Some people in the West have been already paying attention to this. According to the well-known American researcher of the Caucasus Richard Giragosyan " Georgia has to solve the problems of Dzhavakkh for conservation of its stability ".Giragosyan on the grounds of the studies of the situation comes to the conclusion that "the changed political actual – the august events and the acknowledgement of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia by Russia, the statements have being followed by the world leaders about inadmissibility of new conflicts at the territory of the South Caucasus – have to sober the georgian authorities". In the opinion of the plenipotentiary ambassador of Georgia in Armenia Grigol Tavatadze, the problems of the Armenians in Dzhavakhk are the same as the problems of the Georgians in the other regions of Georgia. It is difficult to believe in this case that the Georgians in the other regions of Georgia are in the same way oppressed and feel such artificial difficulties in learning of the native language and in the confession of their religion. The expert of the fund "Noravank", the candidate of the historical sciences Tamara Vardanyan adheres to this standpoint. "Really, the Armenians of Dzhavakkh have the problems, but they cannot be the same, as the Georgians have in Georgia. The Armenians of Dzhavakkh have the problems of conservation the national identity, national elements and the Georgians of Georgia, of course, have not such kind of problems. Today the Dzhavakhk Armenians have worse standards of life because they are deprived of even the possibility of being socialized, developed, to create in their native language", - notes the scientist. It came to that the Chairman of the Union of the public organizations "Erkir" for repatriation and mastering Sevak Artsruni has informed the journalists: "The Armenians of Dzhavakhk because of the policy, which has been conducting by the georgian authorities will be able to demand the separation from Georgia, as it has been done by Abkhazia and South Ossetia" We have to note that the understanding of necessity of the serious concessions to the Armenians for the sake of conservation of the statehood itself is growing also amongst the georgian politicians. The oppositional party "For the just Georgia» has already declared that it is going in every way to help the Armenian commune of Dzhavakhk in resolving its urgent problems. But political prestige of this party is extremely insignificant. Additionally, who knows, if it would be able to fulfill its own promises. I would like to complete this excursus into the problem by the quotation from the article of Igor Muradyan in the publication - "Irates de facto", (Armenia): Georgia had all conditions to become the democratic, multiethnic country, but it has not occurred because of the petty ambitions of its elite, who hasn’t drawn any conclusion out of the events of the last 20 years. How we can see, the problem of Dzhavakhk , the problem of simple, strong people, who has not submitted to the timeservers and to the "clowns from the respectable circus", has been growing up to the status of the world policy, and, certainly, will be considered even under so ungifted position of the Armenian leadership" Time will show how the events develop and if the Armenians have enough firmness to uphold their own natural human rights. But in any case, the attitude of Georgia towards the Dzhavakhk Armenians like peculiar litmus scrap of paper clearly shows the rightness of the way, which has been chosen by Abkhazia and South Ossetia. There is no any place for the national minorities in Georgia. If we (god forbid!) remained under the subordination of Tbilisi regime, we would tolerate such humiliations each day.

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