Construction of elite, five-storey building in the centre of Tskhinval will be completed by this summer

Mon, 11/04/2011 - 17:08

The construction of elite, five-storey building in the centre of Tskhinval will be completed by this summer. This has been reported IA "Res" by the State Committee for realization of the projects of rehabilitation of the RSO. The construction of the multi-storied building on place of the completely burned one in the course of combat actions in August 2008 began in 2009.

"Construction of the multi-storey building on 115 Tabolov Street has been conducting according to the budgetary item of the Republic of South Ossetia and 86 million roubles have been allotted for its construction, - has reported the employee of the agency. The construction of the building has been completing by the North-Ossetian constructional company «Prilichniy". «According to the new project, quadrature of the apartments is larger. The building has completely monolithic framework and corresponds to all standards of seismic resistance, also considering sound- and –heat isolation", - has told IA "Res" the designer Anatoly Kumaritov. In turn, the Director of the State Unitary Enterprise (SUE) "Management for realization of priority national projects" of South Ossetia Soslan Bekoev has reported that from the means which were allotted for construction of the building, the constructors have reported on the work done for amount of 50 million roubles. "The work has been completed on 70%", - has said Bekoev. According to the Director of the SUE the lodgers of the new building will be already able to move in their own apartments this summer.

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