20 May 1992- is a bloody date of the modern history of Ossetia - Zarskaya tragedy

Fri, 20/05/2011 - 10:58

On the Day of memory and grief - 20 May in South Ossetia will be held the mourning events, dedicated to the 19-th anniversary of Zarskaya tragedy. As the Deputy Minister of Culture of the RSO Dzhulietta Dzheranova has reported IA "Res», the laying flowers and wreaths to the monument of the victims of Zarskaya tragedy will take place in the village Zar."A mourning meeting with the participation of the leadership of the Republic, the deputies of the parliament, the representatives of the government, and the public organizations of South Ossetia will be held there", - has said Dzheranova. She has noted that tomorrow since ten o`clock in the morning the buses will leave for the place of the tragedy- village Zar- from the central square of Tskhinval.

"So, everyone will be able to honour the memory of the innocent victims of the tragedy, lay flowers to the monument and take part in the mourning meeting ", - has concluded Dzheranova. In the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in the capital of South Ossetia the divine service on the innocently murdered people will be conducted. On 20 May 1992 the Georgian armed bands made an ambush on Zarskaya bypass road in South Ossetia and shot the column of four cars, in which were going mainly women, children and oldsters. 33 persons perished on place, 16 more people have been wounded.

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