Yury Dzitstsoity considers the "neutral" passports of Georgia unacceptable for the RSO

Wed, 15/06/2011 - 14:13

The bill of Georgia about issuing the identity cards in South Ossetia and Abkhazia - is absolutely unacceptable for the Republic. It has been declared the news agency "Res" by the Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of the RSO Yury Dzitstsoity in regards to the intention of the Georgian Parliament to consider this question within the next few days. «Georgia, as well as some other countries which support it, pretends that there are no any recognized states, as South Ossetia and Abkhazia. They are ignoring them in each possible way and are searching the so-called" alternative «settlement ways», - has declared Dzitstsoity.

He has noticed that actually, the settlement is possible only in case of recognition the Republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. «It is necessary, that the international passports of South Ossetia are valid on the territory of those countries which have recognized and which have not recognized our Republic, - the Vice-Speaker has emphasized. – let’s say, that it will be a recognition de facto - without adopting any legal decision,; they could order their government to support economic, trading, financial, humanitarian and other relations with South Ossetia, including the question of visiting these countries by the South-Ossetian citizens and vice versa». According to Dzitstsoity, acceptance of the bill of issuing the identity cards is provided for a single category – the ethnic Georgians, the inhabitants of South Ossetia. «But these people already have the Georgian passports. Therefore I consider this step, absolutely needless, - the Vice-Speaker has underlined. – It seems as though they want to rehabilitate themselves in the opinion of the Georgian population. The Georgian population of South Ossetia is receiving the South-Ossetian passports, and carries out the external economic and humanitarian activity through the Russian Federation using the South-Ossetian passports».As Dzitstsoity has noted, South Ossetia will establish contacts with the outer world through Russia. «Tomorrow the question on ratification of our agreements with Nicaragua and Venezuela will be raised. The similar work is also being conducted in regards to the Republic of Nauru and other countries», - Dzitstsoity has said. He has noticed that Georgia and its Western supporters have to reconcile to the existence of the independent state - South Ossetia. We should note that the bill of issuing the identity cards in South Ossetia and Abkhazia is being considered in Georgia. The government of Georgia has submitted the bill of issuing the so-called "neutral" identity cards and transport documents to the inhabitants of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, for consideration and adoption to the country parliament.

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