The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Peacemakers’ bases have become the main and the first-priority targets of attack

Fri, 15/07/2011 - 12:03

The Announcement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RSO

On July, 14, 2011 the Peacemaker Day is celebrated in the Republic of South Ossetia. This day 19 years ago on the basis of the Agreement "About principles of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement", signed in Sochi on June, 24, 1992 by Russia, Georgia, South Ossetia and North Ossetia, peacekeeping forces as a part of three motor-rifle battalions from Russia, Georgia and Ossetia (the Mixed forces on supporting peace) entered into a zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict; they promoted cessation of the Georgian aggression against South Ossetia lasting since 1989, cease-fire and was the guarantor of peace and stability in the region for many years.

For these years we could appreciate the peace-making operation which was unique and had not analogues. By the beginning of 2004 the situation in a zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict was estimated as the "exemplary" by many observers - in sense of guarantor of peace and safety of the peace-making contingent. This result has been reached owing to the assistance of the Russian peacemakers; the conflicting parties were standing shoulder to shoulder. With M. Saakashvili coming to power in Georgia in 2004, official Tbilisi has launched campaign for aggravating the situation around South Ossetia and discrediting the peace-making mission and the Russian peacemakers. In August, 2008 the Russian peacemakers one of the first repulsed the attack of the Georgian army and the Georgian peace-making battalion, which had broken the peace-making duty and supported the aggressor. The peacemakers` bases became the main and the first-priority targets which underwent the attack of all possible weapons and means of the Georgian army. Despite considerable losses, the Russian peacemakers, all these years being on the guard of peace, remained at their post up to the end and with honour have fulfilled their duty. Only the resolute actions of the Russian Federation on the aggressor compulsion to peace, have rescued the people of South Ossetia, the Russian and the Ossetian peacemakers from genocide. Today the names of the perished peacemakers have been remembered in the Republic. The actions have begun with visiting the perished peacemakers` relatives and the laying of wreaths on the burnt and destroyed building of the Russian peace-making battalion. Laying of the first stone under the future Peace stele, devoted to the peacekeeping forces, at Peacemakers’ Street in the city of Tskhinval has also taken place.

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