The Red Cross is implementing micro-economic initiatives in South Ossetia

Fri, 23/12/2011 - 11:35

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) continues realizing the program of micro-economic initiatives in South Ossetia. As reported to IA "Res" by the head of the ICRC economic security department in South Ossetia Theresia Niutu, "the program is implemented in order to assist the most vulnerable people in South Ossetia who suffered in the combat actions of 1991-1992, 2008 to provide them with their own sources of income to support their families, to ensure, that they earn their living and not depend on humanitarian aid"-Niutu said. According to the Red Cross representative, the implementation program began in 2009 in the collective accommodation centers for persons displaced by force and the refugees in Tskhinval and was later expanded to rural areas.
She noted that the program participants are selected on the basis of vulnerability criteria.

"The ICRC representatives visit the people who want to participate in the program and carefully study their living conditions – Niutu explained. - If these families do have financial difficulties and need support, but they can implement their project effectively, they will have the opportunity to participate in the program." According to the head of department, the mission specialists carefully evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of the applicant`s business project."If this is indeed a real project, we will provide them with appropriate assistance. Business-initiatives in the town basically touch the service sector, trade, various crafts, and what about projects in the villages- they are related to animal husbandry, beekeeping, farming,"- Niutu underlined. She noted that livestock, bees, mini-tractors and various equipment, machines are purchased for the beneficiaries. "Before the project stating, the ICRC carry out the trainings for the selected projects implementers in order to teach them the skills to run their business effectively ", - the agency interlocutor added. She noted that after the project realization the property is not immediately transferred to the private property of the beneficiary. During the first six months the monitoring of effectiveness of implementation of the project is actively conducted by the mission experts. After that, in three months the re-inspection and analysis of "viability" of the project are also conducted. "If a business project proves to be effective, and the applicants can continue to implement it successfully, the property, stipulated in the business project, the private ownership is transferred to the beneficiary; we also give him the relevant donative certificate ", - Niutu said. According to her, 49 projects in 2009, 250 - in 2010, and 130 projects - this year were implemented in South Ossetia. Niutu has concluded that the program of micro-economic initiatives in South Ossetia will be continued in 2012.

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