The movement "United Ossetia" is for all the Ossetian territory to be included in the Eurasian Union

Thu, 14/02/2013 - 22:46

Over the past 20 years Ossetiahas achieved much. Ossetian people survived in several wars. We received a second nation-state - the Republic of South Ossetia. Our state has been recognized by the great Russia. However, we must face the truth. Position of Ossetia remains shaky. We have not built a solid and stable political system, we have destroyed the remnants of the Soviet economy and the new economy is not built.

Our people are deprived of the fruits of their victory; people's life has not changed for the better, the economic decline continues, a part of the Ossetian elite is willing to betray the national interests of Ossetia and Russia to serve their private interests. We, together with our colleagues in Russia and in the countries of the future Eurasian Union of Nations, cannot acceptsuch a situation. South Ossetia has shown that even a small Ossetian society can set goals and achieve their own, to achieve the goals that at the beginning seem impossible. Ossetians will solve large-scale problems in the United Ossetia, Russia and the Eurasian Union of Peoples.
The Republic of South Ossetia (RSO) – is a heritage of the Ossetian people. International Public Movement "United Ossetia" supports the independence of South Ossetia. The people of South Ossetia may further decide on the entry into Russia, or unification with North Ossetia within Russia, or of entering the Eurasian Union of Nations as a sovereign state, or decide on other forms of public reunification with Russia. Ossetian people have two native states - South Ossetia and Russia.
Ossetia is united, and will never again be divided. Ossetia is unitedas geographic, political, economic and cultural concept. Ossetia will never be part of Georgia, will not be included together with Georgia or with any part of the territory of Georgia in federal or confederative relationship. Unity is important for people.
We will work to bring justice to the ancestral lands of the Ossetian population in Kazbek district, Oni district, Gori district, Trialeti Ossetia. Ossetia will never give up these lands, no matter how the enemies of the Ossetian people are willing it. Any negotiations with Georgia are possible only in a reunion native Ossetian land, because it is the will of our people and all our friends in the North Caucasus and the Great Russia.
The movement "United Ossetia" supports the current government of North Ossetia and South Ossetia. And there must be very strict monitoring and public discussion of the actions of officials, NGOs, leaders of the Ossetian communities, government and private companies to check their compliance with the national interests of the United Ossetia and Russia.
Ossetian people for their own bright future will focus on the task for the fast attainment of the new economic and political levels and horizons across the former Soviet Union. Ossetians have always been considered as bright personality. In the Russian Empire and the USSR an Ossetian militant, Ossetian official, Ossetian engineerand Ossetian teacher meant for all, that he was a fair man, strong and reliable, a beautiful person and a good friend. And nowadays it is still the same.
The United Ossetia – it is Ossetia, where will be implemented large-scale Russian and Eurasian projects.
The North Caucasus and the North Caspian Sea (Russia and Kazakhstan) needs the road and rail access to Armenia and the Caucasian ports, first of all, to the port of Batumi in Adjaria. We have to build the Trans-Caucasian highway (Transkam) through the mountain pass of Ruk. The second branch will be constructed through the pass of Mamison using the high technologies. These high-tech solutions will make the roads safe and durable, easy for transportation of military equipment and supplies (to maintain combat readiness of the Russian military bases in South Ossetia and Armenia), as well as the Russian and Kazakh civil cargoes coming to Transcaucasia and to the ports of the Black Sea. It is necessary to implement the project "Russian railways" on building the branch line Alagir-Tskhinval with further access to the Transcaucasian railroad and rail network in Armenia.
The infrastructure of strategic importance for the country will strengthen the physical and geographical unity of the Ossetian people in Great Russia and in the Eurasian Union of Peoples. United Ossetia and the Ossetian communities in regions of the Russian Federation will be active and innovative in all major projects: in a new development of East Siberia and the Arctic areas, the development of the Far East, and the new Russian, Eurasian, that is our Ossetian campaign to the East. Campaignto the East to create a new Great Russian state - the Eurasian Union – will reveal strength, courage, fairness, - all that have always been the attributes of our nation.
It will not be a shame to us before our seniors who have stood and have won the Great Patriotic War, who have defended our Soviet Motherland, defended Dzaudzhigkau and have recently defended Tskhinval. We have a lot of work, and our younger generation will live in a great, large and happy country.

Alikhan Zaurbekovich Khugaev, Chairman of the Movement "United Ossetia", Vladikavkaz

Mikhail Chernov, Executive Secretary - Acting Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Movement "United Ossetia", Moscow- Tskhinval

BEDYUROV Brontoy Yangovich, El Bashchi (elected El Kurultai spiritual head of the Altai people), member of the Executive Committee of the Movement "United Ossetia", writer, member of the executive committee of the International Executive Committee of Writers' Unions, Gorno-Altaisk (Altai Republic)

Alexander Vorobyev, a member of the Executive Committee of the Movement "United Ossetia", director of the publishing house "Socio-political thought," executive director of the strategic environment, the entrepreneur, Moscow

Kakchekeev Toktogul Kakchekeevich -Colonel of internal forces reserve, member for Movement "United Ossetia", co-chairman of the Association of graduates of Russian universities in Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic citizenship

AlexanderSOBYANIN, a member of the Executive Committee of the Movement "United Ossetia", Head of Strategic Planning Association of cross-border cooperation, Moscow

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