Unveiling of a memorial stone to the riot squad members killed in 1992 took place in the capital of South Ossetia

Fri, 14/06/2013 - 23:08

Today, in the south-eastern outskirts of Tskhinval took place the unveiling of a memorial stone to six riot squad members who had been killed defending South Ossetia in 1992. Among them are Zurab Gubaev, Stanislav Gabaraev, Gennady Dzhabiev, Yuri Kozhukhov, Alexander Mikhaylenko and Gregory Sanakoev. The memorial stone was set up by their colleagues - the riot squad members.

The event was attended by President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov, Prime Minister Rostislav Khugaev, the Speaker Stanislav Kochiev, parents of the fallen riot squad members and members of the government and parliament, the public of the Republic.
Opening the memorial ceremony, President Leonid Tibilov has asked to observe a minute of silence to honor the memory of the fallen riot squad members, who just after formation of the riot police, rose in defence of South Ossetia.
"Everybody remembers how the riot squad of South Ossetia was established. Many of these guys died defending their land. We have to remember that they died for the sake of our bright future, and we have to pass on their memory to the younger generations, "- said the president.
He has added that the government of the Republic takes measures to memorialize the heroes of South Ossetia.
"Recently, the Parliament of South Ossetia passed a relevant law. In addition, on the day of the celebration of the fifth anniversary of Russia's recognition of the independence of South Ossetia, various activities will be carried out, including the publication of books and showing new films. All this is done to commemorate the heroes who gave their lives in the struggle for independence; we have to pass on the memory of them to the younger generations, "- said Tibilov.
The President has also noted that in the Republic in memory of the heroes of Ossetia will be built a memorial.
"We have no right to forget their heroism, and we have no right to destroy the unity that they have created. We, one and all, must say that we are the future of Ossetia and we are united "- stressed the president.
Leonid Tibilov also thanked the riot police for the installation and unveiling of the memorial stone.
The meeting was also addressed by parents of the fallen riot squad members; they thanked the leadership of the Republic, the riot police and all those present for this action.

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