The position of the South Ossetian side is tough - the Georgian post should be unconditionally removed, - envoy

Tue, 03/09/2019 - 12:02

The South Ossetian side proposes to remove the checkpoint and make the zone from the Ossetian village of Uista (Tsnelis) to the Georgian village of Chorchana a security zone

South Ossetia and Georgia will continue negotiations in the near future on the issue of removing the illegal roadblock in the territory of South Ossetia, in the area of ​​the village of Uista (Tsnelis), said Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy for Post-Conflict Resolution Murat Dzhioev.

"The technical meeting within the framework of the IPRM has ended, which was dedicated to the situation near the village of Tsnelis after the Georgian side put up an illegal police post near the village," the Envoy said.

According to him, the main result of today's meeting is that it was agreed to continue the dialogue in the near future: "Presumably, at the end of this week or at the beginning of the next one. We stated that it was undesirable to delay the meeting, but it should be agreed with all the parties. The EU Observation mission will be holding consultations with all the parties. "

Dzhioev reminded that on Friday a technical meeting was held in the village of Uista, then each party expressed its position. The position of the South Ossetian side is very tough - the Georgian police post must be unconditionally removed.

It is above the Ossetian village and the road and is illegal.

"The South Ossetian party insists on the removal of the illegal Georgian police post, and the Georgian party considers the police post as its political position and does not intend to remove it for now. And as they themselves say, the post allegedly does not threaten anyone, and there will be 12-15 people there. But we declare that this post is illegally located in South Ossetia and offer to remove it and make the zone from the Ossetian village of Uista (Tsnelis) to the Georgian village of Chorchana a security zone so that there are no armed posts of both sides and start discussing the line of the state border in the area ", -. Dzhioev stressed.

He has added that the South Ossetian side has repeatedly proposed and offers the Georgian side to start discussing the border line between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Republic of Georgia for several years.

"But they do not agree. In this case, we propose to discuss the issue of this particular site, but so far, we have not found understanding from the Georgian party. Nevertheless, we are not breaking off diplomatic conditions and will continue efforts to remove the illegal post from our territory. In any case, we declare that, since the post is illegally located in South Ossetia, threatens the safety of residents of the village of Uista and surrounding villages, South Ossetia will take the prescribed steps by law to ensure the security of our people, " said the Plenipotentiary

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