In South Ossetia, 45 people recovered from coronavirus in a day

Fri, 27/11/2020 - 13:34

Over the past day, 18 new cases of coronavirus infection have been detected in South Ossetia, 45 people have recovered, Anna Gagloeva, Deputy Head of South Ossetian Consumer Supervision Committee, told IA "RES " on Friday.

"145 studies were carried out in a day (a total of 1064 during the pandemic); 18 citizens were diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus. Today, 1096 citizens with a laboratory-confirmed diagnosis of coronavirus are under medical supervision," Gagloeva said.

According to the South Ossetian Consumer Supervision Committee, as of Friday morning, there are 1,725 registered and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection in the Republic, of which 629 people have already recovered.

In South Ossetia, mass events are prohibited, residents of the Republic are obliged to wear masks and observe social distance.

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