The policy of appeasing the aggressor is fraught with relapse - Embassy of South Ossetia

Fri, 06/08/2021 - 20:35

The South Ossetian Embassy in Russia has sent a press release to all diplomatic missions accredited in the Russian Federation, as well as to the Georgian Interests Section at the Swiss Embassy on the occasion of the 13th anniversary of the armed Georgian aggression.

“In the modern history of the Ossetian people, August 8, 2008 is a tragic date that makes us remember the bloody events on the land of South Ossetia every year. On this day, thousands of bombs and shells fell on the peaceful Ossetian population by order of Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, which turned the sleeping capital of the Republic, the city of Tskhinval, into ruins in a matter of hours. At the same time, Russian and Ossetian peacekeepers were attacked, who had been maintaining peace and law and order in the conflict zone since 1992 within the framework of an international mandate,” the Embassy said.

The diplomatic mission reminded that the victims of this act of genocide and military aggression against South Ossetia have become thousands of killed and wounded civilians, South Ossetian and Russian peacekeepers and servicemen, hundreds of social and residential infrastructures were destroyed.

"The criminal acts of the Georgian regime have destroyed the fragile peace that for more than fifteen years was hardly established in South Ossetia thanks to the enormous efforts of Russia and its peacekeeping forces, brought to naught the long-term negotiation process on the normalization of the Ossetian-Georgian relations. Georgia and its criminal regime bear full responsibility for the aggression against South Ossetia. This, in particular, was confirmed by the international commission to investigate the circumstances of the events of August 2008 under the Swiss chairmanship, "the press release says.

The diplomats have noted that despite the inexorable passage of time, the noble determination of the Russian Federation, which brought peace to the land of South Ossetia, and the feat of the heroes who resisted the Georgian aggressors, will not be forgotten: "They will forever remain in our hearts, will serve as an example of valor, nobility, spiritual and moral strength ".

“Modern Georgia has not learned any lessons from its mistakes. Instead of efforts to strengthen peace and stability in the region, we are facing an increase in its militarization, an unconstructive position in the Geneva discussions on security in Transcaucasia, blocking the signing of a document on the non-use of force with South Ossetia and Abkhazia. For the time being, it is strengthening the presence on its territory of the infrastructure and military components of non-regional countries and NATO member states, "the press release says."

It is also regrettable that countries, instead of condemning the aggressive intentions of the Georgian regime, support it with offensive and other types of weapons and military equipment, take part in military maneuvers held in Georgia, the intensity of which is only increasing every year. This is also evidenced by the "Agile Spirit" exercises held in the period from July 26 to August 6 with the participation of military personnel and military equipment of the member states of the North Atlantic Alliance and their partners. It was with the tacit consent of these countries that the tragedy occurred in South Ossetia in August 2008, the mournful date of which is being commemorated in South Ossetia these days."

"The policy of appeasing the aggressor and the lack of an appropriate response from the international community is fraught with a relapse and a repetition in the future of a tragedy similar to the aggression of August 2008," the Embassy has stated.

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