South Ossetia within the framework of the IPRM, has once again raised the issue of removing the Georgian post in Uista

Fri, 23/09/2022 - 21:30

The issue of removing the Georgian post in Uista (Tsnelis) and a number of other issues were discussed on Friday at the regular meeting in the format of Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms (IPRM). As Yegor Kochiev, the head of the South Ossetian delegation, told journalists, the most important of the discussed issues for South Ossetia was the issue of the Georgian post in Tsnelis, which has not yet been resolved.

"The Georgian post continues to be located on the South Ossetian territory. The work in this direction is underway, and we hope that it will be resolved in the way that we need," Kochiev said.

According to the head of the South Ossetian delegation, issues of violation of the state border were also discussed at the meeting.

“Violations of the state border continue. There are violations out of ignorance, but also purposefully. With regard to violators, our border guards take appropriate measures, and they are detained. In the case of a single violation of the state border, as a rule, they are expelled without penalties, but in the case of a repeated violation, completely different measures are applied to them, up to criminal prosecution,” he said.

Kochiev has added that at each meeting, the South Ossetian side focuses on the need for discussions on the crossing of the state border by the Georgian population living in the border areas.

“The mechanism is designed primarily to prevent accidents and violations, and this largely depends on the work that local authorities are doing with the population. The population most often unknowingly violates the state border, and at each meeting we focus on the need to conduct conversations with the local population from the Georgian side so that there are fewer such incidents,” he has noted.

The head of the South Ossetian delegation has also noted that issues related to the IPRM format are resolved in real time, as a rule, using a hotline. According to him, these are questions of a humanitarian nature, questions of searching for missing cattle, supplying irrigation or drinking water.

And at the meetings in the IPRM format, Kochiev has stressed, issues that have not been resolved through the hotline, or that require more serious consideration, are already being discussed.

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