Kochiev: the Geneva discussions are not only a short discussion of the agenda, it is everyday work

Mon, 09/10/2023 - 16:07

The Geneva discussions are not only meetings in Geneva itself, during which there is a short and tough discussion of the agenda, it is also daily work, when hotlines work on all sides, and there is a constant dialogue on cross-border issues. This was stated during the Moscow-Sukhum-Tskhinval video bridge on the Sputnik-South Ossetia platform by Konstantin Kochiev, State Advisor to President of the Republic of South Ossetia, head of the working group at the Geneva discussions.

According to him, the work on preventing and responding to incidents in South Ossetia has been going on for a long time.

“When the Geneva discussions were paused at the request of one participating delegation, even during this difficult period we had a mechanism for preventing and responding to incidents. This important platform allows us to promptly resolve the emerging issues,” Kochiev said.

Kochiev has noted that South Ossetia intends to continue to support this process.

“This is an integral part of the Geneva discussions,” he has added.

The video bridge Moscow - Sukhum - Tskhinval is dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Geneva discussions on Transcaucasia.

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