The KGB of South Ossetia declared the inadmissibility of unauthorized actions

Fri, 17/11/2023 - 17:28

The State Security Committee of South Ossetia called on the population of the Republic to remain vigilant in connection with the difficult socio-political situation in Georgia.

“Taking into account the difficult socio-political situation in Georgia, as well as current threats to border security aimed at creating preconditions for the escalation of tension and various types of provocations carried out by official structures of foreign states and a number of foreign public organizations, we urge citizens of South Ossetia to remain vigilant,” - the KGB`s report reads.

The KGB paid special attention to the inadmissibility of carrying out any unauthorized public actions with the aim of discrediting the authorities and management of South Ossetia, as well as the policy pursued by the authorities to form a joint common security contour with the Russian Federation.

“We believe that the implementation of basic personal rights related to the public expression of one’s opinion, as well as the organization of various types of civil actions, can be carried out exclusively within the framework of the criminal and administrative legislation in force in the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia in the field of ensuring socio-political security,” - the statement of the department reads.

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