More than a thousand people, including the leadership of South Ossetia, public and political figures, representatives of the ministries and departments, a delegation from North Ossetia, relatives of the victims, students, schoolchildren and residents of the Republic came to the obelisk “A Grieving Mother” on the Zar road on Monday to honor the memory of the victims of the monstrous tragedy. ,.
The event began with the laying of flowers and wreaths at the monument.
Opening the funeral meeting, Prime Minister Konstantin Dzhussoev has noted that no matter how many years have passed, the memory of the Zar tragedy remains the unhealed wound and pain that is hard to forget.
According to the Prime Minister, the Zar tragedy, in its scale, is one of the most terrible and monstrous tragedies against humanity.
Those present observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the tragedy and laid flowers and wreaths at the monument.
Deputy Chairman of the International Public Movement “High Council of Ossetians” Vyacheslav Dzagoev expressed condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the Zar tragedy.
“May God condemn all those who committed the most brutal crime against the innocent victims of the Zar tragedy. We are brothers, the same blood flows in our veins, and if we are strong, no one can defeat us,” he has noted, speaking at the funeral rally.
Chairman of the “Mothers of Beslan” Committee Susanna Dudieva has noted that the older generation must do everything possible to ensure that the Zar and Beslan tragedies never happen again.
“We have a responsibility for how our children will live,” Dudieva said.
On May 20, 1992, on the bypass road near the village of Zar, Georgian armed forces ambushed civilians who were trying to escape from the besieged Tskhinval.
The victims of the tragedy, recognized as one of the worst in the modern history of South Ossetia, have become 36 people, 12 were injured. The youngest of the fallen was 11 years old, the oldest was 76.