The exhibition of the Ossetian artists is taking place in Luxembourg

Wed, 22/05/2024 - 23:35

The exhibition of the Ossetian artists has opened in Luxembourg as part of the Days of Ossetian Culture in Europe. This was reported to IA “Res” by the representative of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia in the Benelux countries, Chairman of the International Non-profit Association "Renaissance" Radion Pukhaev.

According to him, the Ossetian artists living in the European Union countries are taking part in the exhibition: Karina Kachmazova from France, Amina Gubieva from Latvia, Igor Toguzaev from France, Larisa Salbieva from Belgium and others.

“This was a new experience for us, since we usually invited artists from Ossetia and Russian regions,” Pukhaev said. “But due to the fact that the current situation is difficult, we decided to hold the exhibition with the participation of artists living in Europe in order to avoid difficulties associated with obtaining visas and possible entry restrictions for artists from Ossetia.”

He has noted that previously artists from Ossetia were invited to the Days of Ossetian Culture in Europe with a concert program.

“This time the opening of the exhibition was accompanied by the performance of the musical theater "Gamens" from Paris, they presented a performance based on the Three Musketeers. It was touching and spectacular. Several of our favorite songs from the Soviet film “D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers” were performed.”

Pukhaev added that the exhibition of the Ossetian artists aroused great interest among art connoisseurs.

The exhibition in Luxembourg will last until June 11.

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