The “Day of Silence” has come in South Ossetia before the parliamentary elections of the 8th convocation

Sat, 08/06/2024 - 20:58

The ban on pre-election campaigning ahead of the parliamentary elections, which will be held on June 9, has come into force.

According to the electoral legislation of South Ossetia, on June 8 at 00.00 the legal period for election campaigning expired, this applies to television and radio broadcasts, all print media, putting up leaflets and hanging banners, as well as meetings of candidates with voters.

On the day of silence, any campaigning is prohibited; only large-sized campaign banners that were hung before the day of silence will remain hanging in their original places.

All polling stations in the Republic and abroad are ready for voting day.

Foreign observers are arriving in the Republic, about 35 people in total. Representatives of Russian and South Ossetian media will cover the elections in the Republic.

The international information center of the Central Election Commission of South Ossetia will begin its work at 10:00 on Sunday, June 9, and will receive all information about the progress of voting, both at the polling stations in the Republic and beyond.

A total of 73 polling stations will be opened, of which two polling stations will be opened in Moscow and North Ossetia.

To recognize the election as valid, 50% plus one vote must take part in the voting. The ballots provide the opportunity to vote “against all” candidates.

Seven political parties will take part in the elections: “United Ossetia”, “Nykhas”, Communist Party, People’s Party, “Unity of the People”, “Iry Farn” and “Unity” and 111 single-mandate candidates. Of these, 17 candidates from party lists and 17 single-mandate candidates will enter the Parliament.

The CEC produced 40 thousand ballots.

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