Entrepreneurs from Chelyabinsk are conducting a business seminar for the South Ossetian colleagues

Wed, 26/06/2024 - 16:43

The development of agriculture, economy, culture and other issues were discussed in Tskhinval at the business seminar with the entrepreneurs from the Chelyabinsk region.

The seminar was organized by Ministry of Economy of South Ossetia with the assistance of the Embassy of the Republic in Moscow with the aim of establishing direct business contacts between the enterprises and entrepreneurs of South Ossetia and the Chelyabinsk region.

The business seminar has included presentations, discussions and business meetings. In particular, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic presented an introductory presentation about South Ossetia at the seminar.

South Ossetia is trying to promote its brand on all fronts, and such contacts will have a beneficial effect on the production and work of entrepreneurs in the Republic, Taimuraz Goginov, the trade representative of South Ossetia in the Russian Federation, said.

He has emphasized that today's event is another step towards making South Ossetia recognizable, as well as establishing trade and exports from the Republic to the Russian Federation.

“This is a good experience for us and our business. Watching how people present their products, especially since the Chelyabinsk region is one of the largest industrial regions of the Russian Federation, where metallurgy is also widely developed. I would like to thank the organizers of the event. I am glad that we are witnessing the development of the economy of South Ossetia,” Goginov said.

He has noted that the delegation from the Chelyabinsk region has included such manufacturers and entrepreneurs who are in demand in South Ossetia today.

“And for us, as a dynamically developing young country, such direct contacts will be useful. In particular, for example, the manufacturer of mini tractors “Uralets” is located here, and for farms and entrepreneurs of the republic this is a good opportunity to have direct contacts with the manufacturer, the opportunity to purchase equipment directly from them, without intermediaries,” Goginov said.

The coordinator of international projects of the Chelyabinsk branch of Komsomolskaya Pravda, Andrey Vorobyov, noted that the goal of the business seminar was to establish production and business relations with the enterprises and entrepreneurs of South Ossetia.

“The delegation of entrepreneurs of the Chelyabinsk region was created taking into account the specifics of the Republic. It took into account which enterprises were developed in your country during the Soviet period and which of them are operating now. I think that after today’s visit, the Chelyabinsk entrepreneurs will make friends with the South Ossetian entrepreneurs, since there are all prospects for this. And in the future there is already the opportunity to develop these relations,” Vorobiev said.

He believes that South Ossetia has very great potential, but for development there are several factors slowing down the process that need to be eliminated.

“This needs to be done, and for our part we are ready to help you. Here are representatives of the enterprises that have been operating in Russia for more than 30 years, that is, these are profile people, and I think this seminar will bring good results. In the future, we will be glad to see the South Ossetian delegation on our land,” he has added.

The business seminar will be taking place over three days.

As noted by Madina Pukhaeva, head of the international economic cooperation department of Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of South Ossetia, based on the results of the business mission, it is planned to create new fruitful relations.

“At today’s seminar, the entrepreneurs presented their products, told about their work experience and what prospects and mutual cooperation they see with South Ossetia. The request to organize a business seminar was received from the Chelyabinsk entrepreneurs themselves. They studied the prospects of South Ossetia, and based on their observations, they themselves formed a list of delegation participants,” she said.

Pukhaeva has emphasized that following the results of the seminar, a number of business meetings will be held with relevant departments of the Republic, as well as with entrepreneurs in specialized and related sectors of the economy, and the results of this business mission depend on the results of these meetings.

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