Murat Djioev: “The most important for the people of our Republic was the recognition by the Russian Federation”

Sun, 31/05/2009 - 15:09

The Parliamentary Election in South Ossetia will be democratic, transparent and should become another positive message to international community that the RSO is a democratic state for a long time and that elections are held here at any level. This is a statement made y the RSO Foreign Minister Murat Djioeva at the press-conference at the Informational Center “Parliamentary Election 2009” in Tskhinval.
The Minister noted that so far, “72 international observers had been registered at the RSO CEC, out of which 10 are from far abroad.”
In response to the possible presence of Georgian media representatives, Djioev noted that South Ossetia is interested in having as many journalists covering the election as possible.
“As to journalists from Georgia, I would like to tell you that we are in a state of an unsettled was with Georgia. There are no military activities, but we do not have a peace accord either. The RSO MFA did not receive any request that journalists or observers from Georgia would like to arrive. Since we do not have any communication with Georgia, Georgian journalists may arrive only through Russia, and we have not received any such requests from Russia”, said the Minister.
As to ongoing NATO exercise in Georgia, Djioev noted that the RSO MFA had issued two statements on the matter.
“We consider that these exercises are meant to aggravate the situation in the region. It has been less than a year since the bloody armed aggression of Georgia against South Ossetia, and the NATO members states thus demonstrate their support to the aggressor. The NATO states were assuring us that the Georgian armed forces they trained and equipped would never be used against Abkhazia and South Ossetia. But in August 2008, we saw an opposite situation. Not only trained Georgian armed forces trained by American military experts, but as we know, representatives of Western countries and former Soviet Union states were acting as military advisors to the Georgian armed forces. Therefore our attitude towards the NATO exercises in Georgia is negative, as it already been mentioned. We do not exclude the possibility that the NATO exercises in Georgia are held to wreck the election in South Ossetia. But I believe the election will go smoothly, and we have enough means to defend our population and our territory”, stated the Minister.
In response to the question related to possible recognition of South Ossetia by other states, the MFA stated that “tomorrow’s election will once again prove that democratic principles are observed in South Ossetia and it would become a positive message to the international community that the people of RSO deserve that the state they created is recognized and take a dignified place among other states”.
“This is one of priority directions in our foreign policy. We are cooperating with many states in all regions of the world, and we will grateful to any state recognizing our independence. For our people, the most important was the recognition by the Russian Federation and we gained this recognition”, stated the Minister.

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