Merab Chigoev: The Information of the EUMM About Voluntary Leaving of Gennady Pliev for Georgia Does Not Correspond to Reality

Mon, 11/01/2010 - 20:21

Information of the EUMM in Georgia about voluntary leaving of South Ossetian citizen Gennady Pliev for Georgia does not correspond to reality, stated the Deputy Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement Merab Chigoev. According to him, the version that Gennady Pliev had voluntarily left for Georgia was voiced by Fischer, the Chief of EUMM Staff during the spot visit in South Ossetia. "Fischer stated that before arriving at the spot they have met Pliev and that he had reportedly told them that he had approached the Georgian checkpoint in Nikozi at midnight to convey the message that he would like to meet Dmitri Sanakoev and there he was detained. We expressed our protest that this could not be true, since he was on duty until 3 a.m. Then he came home together with his colleague. At around 5-6 a.m. he went out to see off his friend and after that he was abducted", said Chigoev.
Chigoev has also informed that after the visit of the EUMM observers, the Head of the EUMM Hnasjorg Haber called him to inform that they had again met with Gennady and that he repeated things he said before.
The information on abduction of Pliev was confirmed by his relatives. As Gennady Pliev's sister Marina told IA RES, her brother heard some noise coming from Nikozi and ran out. "Our house is located some five houses from the borderline, three of them were burnt down. We went out after him, but found nothing there. There were only boot tracks and blood spots. Then we were told that he was abducted", said Marina Plieva. Presently, Pliev's relatives know nothing about his whereabouts. "We talked to the EUMM representatives, who told us that they could do nothing. What di they came for then?", said the sister of the abducted person. The version that Gennady
Pliev had left home after having a quarrel with his family was rejected by his spouse Julietta Valieva. "There was no quarrel. He just ran out when hearing some noise. The residents of nearby houses had also hear the shooting and scream. He left at home the phone, his gun and cigarettes," said Gennady's wife. According to Merab Chigoev, the investigation is ongoing, blood samples were taken from the spot. The South Ossetian side does not accept the version voiced by the EUMM, and insists that the abduction version should be taken as the ground one. "We will continue our work with the EUMM and the CoE HR Commissioner Tomas Hammarberg. This topic will also become an issue for the next round of the Geneva discussions on 28 January 2009", emphasized Chigoev.
On 4 January, between 6 and 7 a.m., staff member of the State Guard of RSO Gennady Gavrilovich Pliev (1976) was abducted from Tskhinval suburbs close to the border and the Georgian checkpoint in the village of Nikozi. The RSO Prosecutor General's Office had filed a criminal case based on Art. 126, Criminal Code of the RF. According to the information available to the Prosecutor General's Office, during the seizure, Gennady Pliev was wounded and that he is currently kept in one of the pre-trial detention facilities on the territory of Georgia.

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