The Government of South Ossetia adopts the law "On State Budget"

Fri, 07/05/2010 - 16:40

On 6 May, the Government sitting took place. The agenda included the issues related to increase of monthly child's allowance up to the age of 16, draft law of South Ossetia "On provision of housing to the citizens of South Ossetia from the state housing fund", on appointment of deputy Education Ministers, as well as the report of the Finance Minister of South Ossetia "On the implementation of the state budget for the first quarter of 2010". года».
The main topic for consideration by the government was the draft law of South Ossetia "On the state budget". After long discussion, the South Ossetian Prime Minister Vadim Brovtsev suggested adopting the draft and forward to the South Ossetian Parliament for consideration. Members of the government pointed to many articles for which it would be necessary to raise funds. For instance, the budget did not include the expenses for guarding of education institutions and increase of professionalism of staff for state and municipal structures, capacities of the communal services, and so on. The report on the utilization of 2,5 mil RUR spent on professional training programs in 2009 has not been submitted yet. The Prime-Minister of South Ossetia tasked his assistant Tatyana Zarubina to submit the report as soon as possible. "Prepare the report on 2,5 mil RUR to show how much has been spent on the professional training for the staff in comparison to the overall spending in 2009", said Brovtsev.
New program for professional training for specialists was proposed. According to the program outline, the program requires allocation of 5 mil RUR. The issue of housing construction was also discussed. Vadim Brovtsev noted that the negotiations with the Russian Federation on allocation of funds for the reconstruction projects would take not less than three months. In the meantime, the Republic should find interim funds locally to resume the reconstruction. In the conclusion of the session, the RSO Government members adopted the draft law "On state budget" to be submitted to the Parliament for consideration.

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