Eduard Kokoity holds a meeting on distribution of housing

Mon, 30/08/2010 - 11:35

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity held a meeting, which focused on housing problems. Concretely, the discussion was about distribution of housing in the microdistrict “Moskovski” in Tskhinval. The Head of President’s Administration Arsen Gagloev, Chairman the the State Housing Commission on accommodation in the microdistrict “Moskovski” Eleonora Bedoeva, members of Parliament, heads of rural and city administrations, representatives of public unions and organizations participated in the session.

In the beginning of the session, the president pointed to the fact that the program would not be limited to distribution of housing. “The houses are not enough to accommodate everyone. But we are trying to have maximum objective approach to related problems. As to the quality of works and materials used, our relevant services closely follow the situation and report on all violations”, said Eduard Kokoity.
He underlined that the government did not interfere into the Commission’s work. “We had only identified quotas for each agency, and we should know the lists of all people by 15 September. All ministries should organize internal broad meetings to coordinate and agree on all candidates”, he added. The president emphasized that the dismissed personnel of the Ministry of Defense and former peacekeepers should not be left out. “Despite the fact that the peacekeeping mission here ceased, we have reserved quotas for them”, said the president.
Eduard Kokoity has also tasked to reserve a certain number of houses for specialists to be invited to the Republic. To continue with, Eleonora Bedoeva informed the gathering about quotas allocated to ministries and government agencies. Hence, the Ministry of defense has received 70 assigned apartments, Ministry of Interior – 19, KGB – 5, state guards – 5, families of killed – 40, large families – 35, young families – 18, Ministry of culture – 5, Ministry of Health – 6, Ministry of Finance – 1, Emergency Situations Ministry (EMERCOM) – 5, State Control Committee – 2, Tax Committee – 1, Union of Veterans – 1, Public Movement “Defenders of the Motherland” – 5, State Committee of Information – 5, Scientific Research Institute – 1, South Ossetian State University – 3, Union of Afghan War Veterans – 2, Fund of Wounded – 11, Foreign Ministry – 2, peacekeepers – 5, TV Company IR – 3. “We have also reserved 20 places accommodations for disabled people. If there are any changes in the course of discussions and meetings, amendments may occur. In 10 days, we will present the final variant and will proceed with ownership paper processing”, said Bedoeva.
Along with this, Bedoeva noted that 80 families in Vladikavkaz, who had been formerly living in Leningor district, would like to return to their homes. In this regard, the president tasked her to organize a meeting with these people. In his turn, parliament member Gennady Kokoev pointed to the fact that there were houses in the Republic, the whereabouts of owners of which was unknown. “Many people are lving in such houses over 10 years, they regularly pay fees and look after their apartments. Nonetheless, they do face problems with registering their ownership”, explained Kokoev.
The President underlined that such families should be registered and their rights documented.

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