Operational situation and replacement of pipelines discussed at a meeting with the president of RSO

Tue, 18/01/2011 - 12:37

The South Ossetian President Eduard Kokoity held an extended session of the government to sum up last week's results.
Law enforcement and defense ministers reported on the operational situation in the country and around it.
As the Minister of Interior of South Ossetia Valery Valiev said last week, the law enforcement officers detained several individuals suspected of illegal drug abuse (marijuana). After the medical examination of the suspects, the materials on these violations have been transferred to the relevant judicial authorities for further proceedings.

"Interior Ministry continued its work on collection of arms and ammunitions illegally kept by the population. During the reporting period, two machineguns, one pistol, one rifle and several hand-grenades were collected ", said Valiev.
He also informed the gathering that over the past week, the Road Police Department registered 101 traffic violations.
The Prosecutor General, Minister of Justice, Chairs of the Supreme Court and the Court of Arbitration, the Committee for State Control and Economic Security also reported at the meeting.
Eduard Kokoity, drew the attention of law enforcement officials to the criminal situation in the Republic in 2009, noting this period as the most stable.
"We need to be achieve the same results as in 2009", stressed the president.
He also tasked to speed up the replacement of passports of South Ossetia, which is scheduled to take place from February to July 2011.
"We must be very attentive in checking the passport recipients. To meet this end, a unified database with relevant agencies in Russia will be created", said Kokoity.
The Defense Minister of South Ossetia Valery Yakhnovets informed the meeting that his ministry together with the Russian 4th military base was planning a combat training to take place next week.
"The exercise will be held in close interaction with law enforcement bodies of the Republic", said the Defense Minister.
The Head of Administration of Djava district of South Ossetia Pavel Kumaritov informed the gathering on six breakdowns at main Edis- Tskhinval water pipeline, which supplies South Ossetian capital with potable water, and this caused suspension in water supply to the city.
In this regard, the president criticized the work of the "Southern Directorate", a customer of works on reconstruction of main water pipeline and replacement of networks in Tskhinval.
"This work should be completed within three to four months so that we are able pave the streets of the town by the end of the year. We need to look into the work of ''South Directorate" responsible for these works, and oblige them to fix the flaws, so that they construct not only the main pipeline, but timely connect sewer, gas and water to the homes of the city residents", said the president.
The meeting also discussed the repairs at local telephone lines. According to the Chairman of the Committee on Information Technologies and Communications Georgiy Kabisov, the work on the draft scheme for replacement of lines will be finalized in February this year, and after that, the new telecommunication networks will be laid along the sidewalks.
In conclusion the President thanked the organizers of New Year's activities, noting their professionalism and responsible approach to their duties.

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